Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Day of Lectures

On the surface it seems like a no-brainer. If you had to choose between a talk about antique lace or one about kitten diarrhea which would you pick? Fortunately I didn't have to make such a tough decision - I attended both.

Yesterday was a day of lectures. The Deep Cove Weavers Guild hosted a lecture on lace. The speaker was knowledgeable and passionate about her topic. She shared many pieces from her collection - very pretty. Will I ever take up lace making or collect it? Not likely.

On the other hand, kittens with diarrhea feature all too frequently in my daily life. I was thrilled with the evening talk, proving that any subject can be fascinating with the right speaker. I learned about the latest research concerning Probiotics - the beneficial bacteria in the gut - and now have a much better understanding of what strains to use for specific outcomes.

The highlight of the evening came when the speaker, a renowned, board-certified, internal medicine veterinarian said, "hands down, the best diet, nutritionally speaking, for a cat is a balanced, raw meat based one". To be fair, she did worry about food safety, (the worry that either the cat, the person handling the meat, or - and honestly, they always bring this up as a risk factor - an elderly, immune compromised and obviously senile member of the household mistakenly eats the cat food - and develops Salmonella).

She admitted that she has never encountered this problem.

After years of being labeled at best, misguided, science is finally confirming what I've been recommending all along. I wanted to shout YES....

I guess it is good that we are all passionate about different things. Kittens happen to be one of mine.

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