Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Market Research

I took my bags to the coffee shop when I joined my friends for tea last week. I thought of it as Market Research.

I asked them to tell me what they thought.

Everyone told me they needed to be lined. I knew this, but I was resisting - my excuses ranged from "they are softer if you don't hide the hair with lining, to "then I'll have to pay for materials" or "it will take too long" to mostly "I'd rather knit than sew" - which is true.

But I listened. This weekend I went to the fabric store and came home with an assortment of very cute dog and cat print cottons.

I lined the bags and they are much nicer now - and more practical as well.

So thanks to Mary Ann and Linda for your suggestions.

Thanks also to the young woman at the next table who overheard our conversation and suggested that if the smaller bag was lined it would be perfect as a chalk bag for climbers. It would!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marilyn,
    Please pardon my clumsy communication; I'm an inexperienced blogger!

    Shall I send you my most recent stash of Lindsay Skye wool so that you can repair my bag and advise me ax to swewter vest options?

